@article{oai:juen.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004555, author = {高本, 條治 and Takamoto, Joji}, issue = {2}, journal = {上越教育大学研究紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {ウナギ料理を注文する際に使われるとされる「ばくはウナギだ。」という文(いわゆる「ウナギ文」)について,前稿(高本1995b)を承けて論述する。本稿では,まず,前稿に引き続き,先行研究がどのようなパラフレーズを行っているかをまとめ,それを分類整理する。次に,「ウナギ文」発話の解釈のポイントが,デフォルト解釈がキャンセルされることによって引き起こされる推論にあるという主張を行い,「ウナギ文」発話の解釈記録形式との関連を論じる。最後に,「ウナギ文」の先行研究に「過剰な文法化」が見られることを指摘する。, This is the second half of my serial argument concerning what is called 'unagi-sentence' (i.e. a Japanese sentence type such as 'Boku wa unagi da.'), continued from my preceding paper in the last issue. In this paper, first, I resume reviewing several previous studies of unagi-sentence, and divide their ways of paraphrasing into four types. Secondly, I suggest that when the default assumption would be canceled (under a certain contextual condition), we should attempt some advanced inference so as to understand what is conveyed by the unagi-sentence, appropriately. Thirdly, I point out that some structural explanations formulated in the previous studies of ungi-sentence seem to have fallen into some state of 'overgrammaticalization.'}, pages = {405--419}, title = {「ウナギ文」の語用論的分析(2) : 文脈における語彙統語構造の発展と拡張}, volume = {15}, year = {1996}, yomi = {タカモト, ジョウジ} }