@article{oai:juen.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004607, author = {得丸, 定子 and 米澤, 浩子 and 吹山, 八重子 and Tokumaru, Sadako and Yonezawa, Hiroko and Fukiyama, Yaeko}, issue = {1}, journal = {上越教育大学研究紀要}, month = {Oct}, note = {近年,児童・生徒によるいじめ,自殺,暴力行為,殺害事件等が大きな教育問題として挙げられ,学校教育における「心の教育」「生命尊重教育」の重要性が提唱されている。本論文では,それらの教育方針に対し,「生」と「死」の両面から教育を考える「Death Education」・[いのち教育」の取り組みについて検討した。「Death Education」は用語の適正から考えて,「いのち教育」と訳した。「いのち教育」は単に直訳ではなく,内容的にも日本的な「Death Education」を意味する。まず,「Death Education」・「いのち教育」の必要性について,欧米と日本における歴史的な流れから考察した。次に「Death Education」とはどのようなものであるのか,さらに,「Death Education」を社会教育・学校教育の中に既に位置づけているアメリカ,ドイツ等における取り組みの現状を述べた。最後に,わが国の学校教育,なかでも特に家庭科における「いのち教育」について述べた。家庭科は人間の一生を取り扱う教科であり,誕生から死までの展開が今後要望されると考えられ,「いのち教育」展開の必要性や取り組みについて考察した。, Recently, serious educational problems are pointed out which are bully, suicide, violence, murder, and so on by children. Therefore, there is advocated "Education of mind", or "Education of esteem for life" in school education. In this paper, what is, why need, and how to deal with "Death education" in school education especially in home economics was investigated, because "Death education" is important education to think about both life and death, corresponding with this advocacy. At first, the discussion was made in general on the point of necessity of "Death education" that was resulted from change of the sense about life and death, social environment, family style, medical treatment and so on in Japan, Europe and USA. Next, this paper was mentioned what was "Death education", and was introduced what and how to be developed "Death education" in USA and Germany that had been positioned already in social and school education. Finally, it was discussed why "Death education" was necessary and how to deal "Death education" in school education especially in home economics in Japan. It is expected that home economics in Japan will be developed the contents of the textbook from birth to death, because it is considered that home economics should -be a course to treat life throughout human life.}, pages = {11--20}, title = {学校教育における「いのち教育」の重要性と取り組みについて : 特に家庭科教育の視点をふまえて}, volume = {21}, year = {2001}, yomi = {トクマル, サダコ and ヨネザワ, ヒロコ and フキヤマ, ヤエコ} }