@article{oai:juen.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004732, author = {清水, 富弘 and 藤島, 和孝 and 大柿, 哲朗 and 堀田, 昇 and 金谷, 庄藏 and 田井村, 明博 and 上田, 毅 and 胡, 泰志 and 乙木, 幸道 and 洲, 雅明 and 正野, 知基 and Shimizu, Tomihiro and Fujishima, Kazutaka and Ogaki, Tetsuro and Hotta, Noboru and Kanaya, Shozo and Taimura, Akihiro and Ueda, Takeshi and Ebisu, Yasushi and Otoki, Kodo and Suga, Masaaki and Shono, Tomoki}, issue = {2}, journal = {上越教育大学研究紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {本研究は,低水温下での競泳用水着装着時の水泳(水着泳)時と着衣での水泳(着衣泳)時の体温調節反応および主観的応答を比較検討した。被験者は大学の水泳部に所属し,1日2時間,週3日程度の定期的な水泳活動を行っている健康な男子大学生6名であった。水泳時の条件は回流水槽で平泳ぎ泳法,水温21℃,泳時間30分とした。運動強度は50%VO_2maxレベルに相当する泳速度に設定した。着衣泳時には綿100%のトレーナー,トレーニングパンツおよびトレーニングシューズを統一して着用した。直腸温は,着衣泳では水泳開始14分まで漸増し1.08℃上昇したあと,約38.0±0.2℃を呈し泳終了まで定常状態を保った。水着泳は泳開始後直ちに0.33℃ほど上昇したあと漸減し,30分後には開始時から0.45℃低下した。直腸温には時間経過および条件間の統計学的有意差は認められなかった。胸部皮膚温および上腕部皮膚温は,着衣泳,水着泳ともに泳直後から一過性に低下した。胸部,上腕部ともに時間経過に伴う体温低下に有意差は認められたが,条件間に統計学的有意差は認められなかった。大腿部皮膚温では,両条件とも泳開始直後から7分後間に急速に低下現象を示し,入水時を起点として,水着泳で最大6.55℃(30分後),着衣泳で最大4.86℃(28分後)低下し,時間経過,条件間ともに有意差が認められた。平均体温は,着衣泳,水着泳ともに時間経過に伴って有意な低下傾向を示したが,条件間に有意差は認められず,入水時を起点として,水着泳で最大2.92℃(30分後),着衣泳で最大2.24℃(28分後)低下した, The purpose of the present study was to compare thermal responses of the body between clothed and unclothed swimming in cold water at 21℃. Six healthy and physically well-trained male students underwent swimming(breaststroke) in a swimming flume at 21℃ for 30 min. Water flow was adjusted so that the degree of exercise corresponded to 50% V^^.O_2max of each subject, and experiments were performed between clothed and unclothed swimming. Thermal states during rest and exercise were determined by measuring rectal, and 3 site (chest, arm, thigh) skin temperatures, and mean skin and mean body temperatures were calculated. The oxygen consumption and heart rate were monitored as an indicator for cardiovascular control. At each water temperature, identical oxygen consumption levels were attained during work indicating that no extra heat was produced by shivering at the lowest water temperature. The slight rise of rectal temperature during clothed swimming within 14 min. Skin temperatures exposed to air rose slightly during work at 25℃ and 30℃ water temperature and distinctly at 35℃ and body weight loss increased with water temperature indicating that both skin blood flow and sweating during exercise increased with the rise in water temperature and in accordance with the rise of mean body temperature providing the thermoregulatory drive for the loss of heat generated during exercise.}, pages = {985--995}, title = {低水温下における着衣泳の体温調節反応と主観的応答}, volume = {17}, year = {1998}, yomi = {シミズ, トミヒロ and フジシマ, カズタカ and オオガキ, テツロウ and ホッタ, ノボル and カナヤ, ショウゾウ and タイムラ, アキヒロ and ウエダ, タケシ and エビス, ヤスシ and オトキ, コウドウ and スガ, マサアキ and ショウノ, トモキ} }