@article{oai:juen.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004786, author = {村中, 智彦 and 藤原, 義博 and Muranaka, Tomohiko and Fujiwara, Yoshihiro}, issue = {1}, journal = {上越教育大学研究紀要}, month = {Sep}, note = {本研究では,知的障害児の課題場面において,①子どもの選択行為それ自体が課題従事行動を高める効果を持つか,②対象児の課題従事順序の選択が課題従事行動に規定されるかを検討した。6~7歳の知的障害児4名を対象に,母親への聞き取り,観察による課題従事行動の分析を通じて,対象児の課題従事行動の低い3つの机上課題を選定した。反転計画法(ABABデザイン)を適用し,対象児が3つの机上課題に従事する事態において,対象児が課題従事順序を選択できる条件,対象児が課題従事順序を選択できない条件を実施し,課題従事行動を比較した。その結果,4名の対象児とも,選択,非選択条件で課題従事行動のレベルの差異は認められず,2名の対象児において課題従事行動のレベルは課題によって異なる傾向が明らかになった。また,対象児の課題従事順序の選択は課題従事行動に規定されなかった。, Providing opportunities to make choice among tasks has improved the task engagement behaviors in a child with intellectual disabilities. The effects of the child's act of a choicemaking itself on task engagement behaviors were examined with four children with intellectual disabilities in three academic tasks situation. In addition, the factor which influenced the participant's choice of the task sequence were examined. Before the experiment, three lower tasks of the engagement behaviors were identified for each participant via preference assessments. With a reversal (ABAB) treatment design, participants were exposed to choice and no-choice conditions. During the choice sessions, the participants chose the sequence in which three tasks were completed. During the no-choice sessions, the teacher chose the sequence in which three tasks were completed. Results indicated that all participants exhibited similar rates of task engagement behaviors across choice and no-choice conditions. The findings suggested that the participant's act of choice-making itself hasn't produced the effects. The participant's choice of the task sequence weren't connected with the task engagement behaviors.}, pages = {115--127}, title = {知的障害児における課題従事順序の選択が課題従事行動に及ぼす効果}, volume = {23}, year = {2003}, yomi = {ムラナカ, トモヒコ and フジワラ, ヨシヒロ} }