@article{oai:juen.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004841, author = {Brown, Ivan B.}, journal = {上越教育大学研究紀要}, month = {Feb}, note = {Principles and parameters theory (PPT), as developed by Chomsky and other linguists, aims to explain and account for both the similarities and differences exhibited by the grammatical structures of the world's human languages. The principles are certain generic properties which grammars of all languages are thought to possess. The parameters are aspects of grammatical structures that have limited variability, and are fixed in one of a limited number of possible configurations. The lexicon, which is a list of words with their meanings, pronunciations and various properties, also has a significant role to play in this model. This paper outlines each of these components, and then examines them in depth to reveal the nature of some of the interactions. The rationale for the model and its major components are discussed, as well as the implications of the relevant modules and elements of the theory.}, pages = {105--117}, title = {On the Integration of Lexical Information into the P&P Model of Syntax}, volume = {28}, year = {2009} }